So, I've working on this for a month now, and just so decided to put it on ng. That's 2pics in 3 days! For those of you who think I traced it, I didn't. Anyway leave Your comments here or on my pic, thanks for looking^^
I'm a 14 year old girl who can't go a day without drawing, computers, and her yugioh stuff! I love to have fun, and you'll usually find me in chat!^^
Age 26, Female
go to school
Corpus Christi!
In America!
Joined on 6/3/10
Posted by computer247 - July 23rd, 2010
So, I've working on this for a month now, and just so decided to put it on ng. That's 2pics in 3 days! For those of you who think I traced it, I didn't. Anyway leave Your comments here or on my pic, thanks for looking^^
what are you, like twelve. i'll be ten in december
Yes I am 12 actually^^